The Keurig is not solely used to make a good cup of coffee these days. That’s right, the Keurig also makes an excellent mug of hot chocolate.
But with so many hot cocoa pods available, which ones actually provide the best value for money? And which hot chocolate k cups have the best flavor? Discover everything you need to know about hot chocolate pods for your Keurig right now!
What Is The Best Keurig Hot Chocolate?
There is an endless number of hot chocolate k cups to choose from, so I took on the arduous task of evaluating each and every single one. Of course, there are worse things than trying out delicious hot chocolate, so this was not the worst review ever!
Either way, the large variety of hot cocoa pods on the market today is staggering. Since I’m originally from Belgium, I know good hot chocolate more than the average person. It also means I’m extra critical when it comes to hot chocolate K cups.
Despite the quantity I worked my way through, I ended up with the best hot chocolate K cups. Without further ado, here is my top ten of the best Keurig hot chocolate k cups.
1. Cafe Escapes Dark Chocolate Hot Cocoa 96 K Cups
When my mum used to make hot chocolate on the stovetop, she used full milk and of course dark chocolate. While milk chocolate was my favorite, there is nothing better for a good hot chocolate than dark chocolate, as it gives the strongest hot chocolate flavor. And it seems this is no different for hot chocolate k cups.
Cafe Escapes Dark Chocolate Hot Cocoa are by far my favorite hot chocolate K cups. Not only are they the best hot chocolate k cups, but they are also quite affordable as well.
The Cafe Escapes Dark Chocolate K Cup is decadent and delicious. It provides a full flavored hot chocolate, with a caffeine content under 10 milligrams. This is brilliant for people like myself who get a little jittery with too much caffeine. These hot chocolate pods also contain milk, which makes the experience all the more authentic.
2. Cafe Escapes Milk Chocolate Hot Cocoa
I believe I will be repeating myself a few times in search of the best Keurig K cup. Once again, I found an amazing hot chocolate in another K cup from Cafe Escapes.
Only this time, the manufacturer went with chocolate hot cocoa pods with a more dominant milk chocolate flavor.
As mentioned before, I do love milk chocolate, so it is no surprise these hot cocoa K cups have made my overview. And some extra good news, these chocolate hot cocoa pods are compatible with most Keurig K cup brewers, including the Keurig 2.0.
When you try the Cafe Escapes Milk Chocolate Hot Cocoa, you will notice a very sophisticated hot chocolate.
While these Keurig hot chocolate pods are not as strong as the previous option, they do have a lovely mild flavor that makes this a more easy drinking hot chocolate.
3. Carnation Hot Chocolate K-Cups
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When you think of hot chocolate, you immediate think of rich flavors. Fortunately, there are some hot chocolate K cups that captured that rich flavor perfectly, the Carnation Hot Chocolate K cup.
The rich and creamy flavor of these hot cocoa K cups is probably the first thing you will notice. And since these are made by chocolate milk giant Nestl?, it is not difficult to see where all that flavor comes from.
Evidently, there are more affordable K cups for Keurig K cup brewers out there, but I would certainly suggest buying some of these as a special treat.
A milk chocolate hot cocoa that is almost as good as how Belgian mums make it is a rare find, and this hot chocolate k cup came very close!
4. Swiss Miss Milk Chocolate K-Cups
While Belgian is predominantly known as the land of chocolate, many people forget that Switzerland has an outstanding reputation when it comes to chocolate. And I certainly second that, as I had the privilege to try some Swiss chocolate in the past myself.
I was wondering if there was a Swiss inspired milk chocolate hot cocoa K cups, and to my good fortune there was.
The Swiss Miss Milk Hot Chocolate has become a staple in my home collection. When you try Swiss Miss Milk Chocolate for the first time, you will immediately notice that rich, full flavor Swiss chocolate is known for.
It also has a certain freshness to it, which hints at a unique and easy drinking hot chocolate.
I must admit that the Swiss Miss chocolate hot cocoa K cup is an everyday beverage for me. So, while it is not a special treat like Carnation hot chocolate, I could not be without my daily cup of hot chocolate from Swiss Miss. Thank you Switzerland!
5. Hostess Coffee Hot Cocoa K Cups
Okay, so this one made my top ten just barely. But the reason for it could be quite personal and some of you may find that the Hostess Coffee Hot Cocoa should be much higher on my list.
Hostess Coffee Hot Cocoa comes in many unique flavors, giving you a cup of hot chocolate based on a variety of chocolaty and other treats. In fact, the brand provides flavors such as twinkies, snoballs, and ding dongs.
I have to be honest, while I like my treats, they have no business being in my traditional hot chocolate beverage. But of course, nobody feels that way and I had to incorporate that into my review.
Aside from my personal dislike to hot chocolate mimicking other candy and treats, Hostess Coffee Hot Cocoa are packed with flavor. That being said, at times they can be a little too sweet for me personally.
On the other hand, my other half absolutely adores them for that particular reason. So this one comes down to personal preference.
6. Carnation Hot Chocolate Rolo K Cups
This one made my top ten because I don’t particularly like Rolo, yet this chocolate flavored treat turned this K cup into one of my favorites. Crazy how some forms of flavor can change the ballgame!
Interestingly, the Carnation Hot Chocolate rolo is not a pure chocolate flavor. It is a combination of caramel and chocolate. This makes the blend a little sweeter than other brands of hot chocolate.
Nothing about this hot chocolate k cup makes sense for my personal taste palate. Nevertheless, I absolutely adore it and regularly pick up a pack if I fancy a change.
7. Laura Secord Hot Chocolate K Cups
I have to admit that I like to cheat a little bit with this hot chocolate. If I feel like having one of the classic hot chocolates in Belgian caf?s, this is the one I go to.
Of course, to have that authentic experience, I do top it with creme fraiche and a good helping of chocolate sprinkles.
Back to the topic at hand, the Laura Secord Hot Chocolate Keurig K cups. I would say these are the best options if you are looking for that caf? style hot chocolate.
Ideally, serve this in a tall glass and with a lovely selection of creme fraiche and chocolate sprinkles! So, this one should also be classified as a special treat that can be made with your Keurig in minimal time.
If for any reason you cannot get a hold of Laura Secord, I think Donut House Collection Chocolate Glazed Donut is an excellent alternative.
I do need to mention that this particular release is a little bit sweeter than the K cup from Laura Secord. However, it still provides that classic hot chocolate experience.
8. Two Rivers Chocolate Hot Cocoa K Cups
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Since many flavors are added to the natural hot chocolate k cup these days, it is nice to find one that actually plays on the natural aspect of it all. Fortunately, the natural hot chocolate K cup is exactly what you will get with Two Rivers.
If you prefer some variety where your chocolate milk is concerned, no need to worry. Two Rivers also provides a variety pack. The Two Rivers variety pack contains lots of traditional premium hot chocolate, but also some exotic choices.
So, if you like a bit of both, then the variety pack with Two Rivers premium hot chocolate will be the recommended choice.
9. Happy Belly Hot Cocoa Pods for Keurig machines
When looking at a selection of delicious hot chocolate for your Keurig, you cannot miss out on some cocoa milk chocolate by Amazon. True, I was skeptical as with most major brands, but Amazon’s Happy Belly delivers an excellent cup of hot cocoa.
As you may expect, the happy Belly Hot Cocoa Pods are really affordable. In fact, they are the most affordable option in this entire overview.
This is good news for those who drink copious amounts of hot chocolate every day!
So, how does the Happy Belly cocoa measure up against the other brands in this overview?
Pretty good!
While I would not say it rivals Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate, it is quite delicious. I would happily recommend this to anyone on a budget who does not want to compromise on taste.
10. Mountain High All Natural Hot Chocolate K Cups
My final pick for this top ten is the Mountain High All Natural Hot Chocolate K Cup. Available for an affordable price, this option is also an excellent choice for those on a budget.
Of course, there is more to this brand than just an affordable price. In fact, Mountain High is one of my favorites aside from Swiss Miss.
The reason? The brand does not use artificial flavorings and still delivers this amazing hot chocolate pod for the Keurig.
The true question remains, does it rival my favorite Swiss Miss? Well, the honest answer is that it comes pretty close. I do love a cup of these before bedtime, as it delivers a really clear dark chocolate flavor.
It is also less sweet compared to some of the competing brands, which means your mouth won’t stick when you try to get to sleep. However, if you do like it sweeter, nothing stops you from adding some extra sugar before you drink it.
Like most Keurig pods, this particular hot chocolate has an aftertaste. My personal opinion believes this is an almond flavor, others compare it as generally ‘nutty’. Either way, this blend works perfectly well for me.
How Can I Make Stronger Hot Chocolate In A Keurig?
Some people believe they cannot get a strong cup of coffee or hot chocolate from a Keurig, but it all comes down to brewing method.
For example, if your cup of chocolate has been too weak, then there is one simple trick you can implement to make your hot chocolate stronger.
One of my personal top tips is to simply reduce the amount of water in your water tank. Instead of a full tank, only fill your tank halfway to get a much stronger cup.
And if you are looking for a bigger mug of hot chocolate, simply do the same again. However, do not forget to use a new K cup.
A Keurig has almost become a must-have for chocolate milk lovers. As a Belgian, I can tell you that making a hot chocolate the traditional way takes time.
When I’m rushing to work in the morning, I really do not have time for that. So, the Keurig provides a convenient and quality solution.
There is also a world of hot chocolate cups to choose from. So, even if you want to try something else, or even experiment with different flavors, there are many brands out there who will be more than happy to help!
Last update on 2025-02-03 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API