The Unwanted Coffee Jitters – What These Are and How to Rid Them

By Shabbir
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Other people drink coffee to get jolts of energy shots throughout their bodies, but too much caffeine can make you feel jittery.

This is because coffee contains stimulants.

The FASTEST way to rid coffee jitters is by:

  • Drinking water
  • Taking a brisk walk
  • Finding an electrolyte replacement solution
  • And eating fiber-rich foods

How Much Caffeine Is Too Much?

Too much coffee affects the nervous system and could leave adverse effects if the maximum tolerated dose is not followed. The intake of caffeine differs from person to person.

Adults and pregnant women, in particular, should NOT consume more than 400 milligrams of coffee. You’re probably wondering how much 400 mg of coffee is, so we’ll break it down for you.

This equals about four 8 ounce cups of brewed coffee or 10 cans of cola, as mentioned by the Cleveland Clinic.

bag of coffee

The Adverse Effects of Drinking Coffee

As mentioned earlier, a caffeinated beverage could cause caffeine jitters to occur.

Caffeine’s effects that you should look out for are sweating and restlessness. Other uncomfortable symptoms could be nausea, diarrhea, and anxiety.

The effects of caffeine vary, so this particularly won’t be an issue for those who do not experience severe caffeine sensitivity.

#1 Too Much Caffeine Affects the Cardiovascular System


A typical cup of coffee or even an espresso shot is enough to boost your blood pressure TEMPORARILY.

Anyone who has a history or is currently experiencing a heart condition can get triggered easily by this temporary blood pressure boost.

High caffeine levels can make you feel a lot of skipped beats, thumping, and a fast heart rate, making you feel overwhelmed or dizzy.

Go to the nearest hospital or contact your doctor IMMEDIATELY during such cases of caffeine toxicity.

#2 Caffeine Jitters Contribute to Panic Attacks

Caffeine leaves your body, depending on the person. There is this overwhelming sensation that flows through your nervous system with every caffeine intake.

A clinical psychologist from Penn State said in a university news release that “Caffeine is not the enemy,” but rather people have to strategically be aware that the health benefits from caffeine can only be felt IF and WHEN it is taken in moderation.

This potential problem for people with anxiety can also negatively interact with seizure disorders, kidney disease, certain heart conditions, and thyroid diseases.

#3 Caffeine Consumption = Insomnia

The MORE caffeine you drink and the HIGHER the caffeine content is, then you can wave goodbye to a good night’s sleep.

Caffeine is sure to keep you up at night, and if you continue to drink another cup of coffee the next day to help keep you up, then it is just going to be a cycle of sleepless and restless nights.

SKIP caffeine in the afternoon and at night so you can drift into slumber easily.

How to Get Rid of the Coffee Jitters

1. Stay Hydrated

Drinking water is VERY important — especially after you’ve had too much coffee to drink.

Caffeine has a more powerful effect on you if you are dehydrated. Keep in mind that caffeine is a diuretic, which means it causes water to leave your body.

Drink water BEFORE, AFTER, and even DURING to help tame the overwhelming feeling of coffee jitters.

2. Inhale, Exhale – Practice Deep Breathing


You can treat coffee jitters as an obstacle you can overcome by practicing deep breathing. Getting enough oxygen through deep, deliberate breaths helps you get clearer thoughts.

Other PROs are:

  • Decreases stress increases calm
  • Stimulates lymphatic system
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Increases energy

Deep breathing is something out of the ordinary for our body. Like a new skill, you constantly need to exercise it to properly incorporate it into your daily routine.

3. Do Some Exercises

The best thing you can give yourself is to exercise, especially after a long day of being cooped up and drinking coffee that’s WAY past the suggested caffeine line.

Caffeine is known to reduce fatigue, so you have to combat this by being more fatigued.

You can go on mental or physical exercise.

Whatever it may be, anything that will tire you will be a great way to fight out coffee jitters.

4. Wait for the Caffeine to Wear Off

Sooner or later, the caffeine will wear off by itself.

Caffeine does not stay in your body for longer than 6 hours.

If you’re starting to feel the jitters after too much caffeine, then you can wait for the effect to subside after 30 minutes.

TAKE NOTE: Caffeine varies depending on how much your body can take. With that in mind, some coffee jitters may be too difficult to bear and could last beyond the 60-minute threshold.

5. Slip In Some Herbal Tea

herbal tea

Herbal tea neutralizes the effects that the body experiences due to coffee intake.

These beverages also have promising benefits your body will thank you for afterward:

  • Aids indigestion
  • Protects the cells
  • Cures nasty colds
  • Therapeutic aspect

4 Options to Consider to Prevent Caffeine Jitters

Option #1: Opt For Decaf Coffee

Drinking decaf coffee has tons of flavor and health benefits as well. This is a great alternative for when you experience the jitters too often.

The benefits of making the switch are:

  • Helps lower the risk of type II diabetes
  • Less caffeine intake improves sleep and lowers anxiety
  • Contains the same antioxidants as regular coffee’s
  • Lower in acidity
  • Lowers risk of fatal cardiovascular diseases

Option #2: Energy Drinks Are Your Friend

Energy drinks contain additives that might help avoid energy crashes and boost athletic performance. Multiple studies have shown that, just like coffee, energy drinks…

  • Reduce mental fatigue
  • Improve measures of brain function (memory, concentration, and reaction time)

An energy drink is another good alternative to stray away from caffeine jitters. Keep in mind that this should be taken in moderation as well.

Option #3: Eat a Hearty Meal

healthy, hearty meal

A cup of coffee on an empty stomach is a no-no. Remember that caffeine is highly acidic, so if you consume it without pairing it with whole grains, you’re in for some HYPER-ACIDITY.

You can slow down the effects of coffee in your body by giving your stomach something to digest. Grab a Cinnabon, croissant, or even some bacon and eggs to combat those unwanted coffee jitters.

Related: low acid coffees

Option #4: Cut Out the Sugar

It’s possible that the jitters you’re feeling could actually end up being sugary jitters.

If you are someone who loves to add extra pumps of syrup, then you might want to cut back on these sugary additions.

Sugar is easily digested and metabolized by the body, meaning you get to feel jolts of energy quickly.

Too much of this could lead to anxiousness and jitteriness. Opt for sugar-free options — from there, you can determine if sugar is likely the cause of the jitters.


Coffee jitters really depend on how your body will process caffeine.

Just keep these points in mind once you start feeling the buzz from too much coffee.

  • Immediately stop drinking caffeinated drinks if you feel jittery
  • Keep track of your caffeine levels
  • Electrolyte replacement solution (water, energy drinks, soda, and the likes)
  • Get up and go for a brisk walk or a stroll
  • Eat hearty food

The effects of caffeine in our bodies are extremely powerful. This is why it is important to take everything in moderation.

Too much of something can negatively affect us, and that is the last thing we want.

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About Shabbir

Shab is the Chief Caffeine Officer at Coffee Brewster. When he's not weighing out coffee beans for his next brew, you can find him writing about his passion: coffee.
